Watershed Coordinator Initiative
Today, more than 96% of our public dollars via the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) are invested in pipes and pumps—traditional grey infrastructure systems.
SRFs do not effectively address the non-point source pollution issue or leverage nature-based solutions and green infrastructure to combat it.
A knowledge gap stands between watershed and conservation organizations searching for funding to develop nature-based solution projects and access to public finance—namely the nearly $11 billion available annually through Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF loans.
Both the organizations and the communities they serve lack the resources needed to successfully evaluate and navigate the SRF application process. This means SRF dollars generally do not make their way to nature-based solutions and/or smaller, more vulnerable communities. Increased capacity and expertise must be provided where it is needed most. This is at the core of how Quantified Ventures’ Watershed Coordinators are partnering to deliver with local organizations in four geographies across the country.
Areas of Focus
Watershed Coordinators work directly with nonprofit conservation and watershed groups for 3 purposes:
Build the pipeline of SRF-eligible natural infrastructure projects and provide support through the financing process
Assist with repayment stream identification
Advocate on behalf of these projects to state SRFs
Watershed Coordinators Drive Outcomes
Watershed Coordinators work with local nonprofit conservation and watershed groups to:
Increase SRF applications for green and nature-based solutions. Currently only 3% of CWSRF is invested in these types of projects.
Engage and inform 100+ disadvantaged communities of their upstream and downstream resilience opportunities based on community input and needs assessment.
Obtain SRF-funded assistance for nature-based solution project development in each watershed.
Build a bridge between water utilities and watershed nonprofits to deliver natural infrastructure.
Watershed Coordinator Geographies
Watershed Coordinators work with local partners and public agencies in these geographies:
Watershed Coordinator
Watershed Coordinator
Watershed Coordinator
Watershed Coordinator
Representative Projects
These projects highlight our experience in innovative financing with blended capital structures to drive climate and environmental outcomes. These structures are representative of the type of public-private partnerships we can develop for the betterment of people and planet.