Our Community Finance team has deep expertise in supporting communities, particularly under-resourced ones, with their drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure needs using public financing mechanisms such as the State Revolving Funds (SRFs). Quantified Ventures’ hands-on experience in municipal finance, water infrastructure project development, EPA program and regulatory requirements, and the Clean and Drinking Water SRF application process differentiates our team from other consulting firms and technical assistance providers.
Additionally, we support communities through completing the expanse of federal funding requirements (crosscutters) including environmental (NEPA) reviews, Single Audit Act, Davis Bacon Wage Act, Build America, Buy America (BABA), American Iron and Steel (AIS), and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. This, combined with the team’s knowledge and track record of partnering with other funders to leverage public resources, enables the most economically distressed communities to meet water infrastructure improvement goals more affordably.
Evaluate and access public funding and financing for climate and water projects
Leverage public funding to attract other low-cost capital and advance projects
Support communities through completing public funding requirements
Develop water infrastructure projects
Representative Partnerships and Projects
An Environmental Impact Bond (EIB) is a type of municipal bond label which signals to investors that the issuer has market-leading ESG transparency and accountability in their bond. QV has helped municipalities and quasi-governmental authorities structure more than $220MM in labeled bond issuances in the past 8 years.
We assist Manufactured Home Communities through identification, financing, and implementation of a water infrastructure project. We partnered with a community-based organization to create the first ever Manufactured Housing Water Infrastructure Support Program.
SRF Academy
SRF Academy offers just-in-time training for front-line partners who provide technical assistance, advocacy, and project development to underserved communities seeking to improve their water infrastructure. We immerse attendees in mission-critical financial, programmatic, and technical aspects of State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs.
We provide water sector technical assistance to connect communities and organizations of all shapes and sizes with innovative financing vehicles to catalyze and scale environmental infrastructure and nature-based solutions.
Client Testimonials
“I have been working with water and wastewater utilities as a technical assistance provider before the State Revolving Loan Funds were established and while I thought I had adequate knowledge of the state Intended Use Plans, I learned a great deal through my participation in Quantified Ventures SRF Academy. Having received feedback over the course and following the completion of the course from my staff located over a seven-state region, it is clear that our participation in SRF Academy was an extremely beneficial use of our time and resources.”
“The SRF Academy is a great learning opportunity. The instructors are experts in their knowledge of the SRF programs and passionate about making sure the Academy students understand the ins and outs and opportunities of these grant programs. Highly recommend this course. ”
Contact Us
For more information about our Community Finance solutions, contact:
Mike Crowley