Water is life. And clearly our climate effects our quality of life. Now is the time for us to improve lives through enhancements in funding, financing, and investments in our water and climate.
Our Water and Climate Finance team partners with communities and organizations from all sectors to deliver clean water, climate mitigation, and community resilience solutions to improve the wellbeing of people and planet. Our expert team members work with you to identify and secure capital to catalyze and scale environmental infrastructure and nature-based solution projects.
We partner with watershed and conservation groups to source projects and connect local communities and water utilities to Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) dollars.
Just-in-time training for front-line partners who provide technical assistance, advocacy, and project development to underserved communities. SRF Academy immerses attendees in mission-critical aspects of SRF programs, including technical, programmatic, and financial management.
Innovative funding and financing approaches are a valuable tool in an increasingly taxed water toolkit. We advance novel approaches to the water crisis in the western United States and water resource management throughout North America.
Investing in environmental infrastructure is investing in climate. The influx of climate funding should be leveraged alongside green banks to maximize benefits. We identify how financing and funding can be tied to greater investments in environmental infrastructure – particularly nature-based solutions.
We provide technical assistance to connect innovative natural infrastructure and technology projects to low-cost public financing. We help communities and organizations of all shapes and sizes pair public funding with innovative financing vehicles to catalyze and scale environmental infrastructure and nature-based solution projects.
We assist Manufactured Home Communities through identification, financing, and implementation of a water infrastructure project. We partnered to create the first ever Manufactured Housing Water Infrastructure Support Program.