Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Technical Assistance
Quantified Ventures provides technical assistance to connect innovative natural infrastructure and technology projects to low-cost public financing by leveraging our expertise in Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF and DWSRF, collectively known as SRFs). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funds SRFs, which are administered by the states.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to upgrade America’s infrastructure. The BIL allocates $55 billion to water infrastructure during the next five years and brings the total investment in SRFs during that timeframe to nearly $44 billion.
Quantified Ventures helps to:
connect non-traditional projects to below-market rate loans provided by SRFs;
apply for, secure, and administer SRF loans; and
pair SRF dollars with other innovative financing vehicles to catalyze and scale natural infrastructure and technology projects.
Why Quantified Ventures? We bring:
Robust experience in the water sector and with leveraging SRFs to finance non-traditional projects
Proven ability to efficiently collaborate with financial, legal, and engineering teams to deliver innovative financing for natural infrastructure and technology projects
Contacts with investors and stakeholders in related industries to supplement the capital stack
Senior-level staff with previous experience leading State Revolving Fund and other water financing programs for states
Our knowledge of and experience in the water sector and outcomes-based financing includes pioneering Environmental Impact Bonds to finance nature-based solutions to stormwater and flooding and developing the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, a leading ecosystem services program to incentivize farmers to implement conservation agriculture practices that sequester carbon and improve water quality.
How Do I Learn More?
Contact Tee Thomas at
Areas of SRF Technical Assistance
We provide expertise and strategy to help government, nonprofits, and for profits utilize the SRFs to drive transformative change in complex environmental situations.
Help watershed and conservation groups source projects and connect their local water utilities to SRF dollars.
Assist MHCs through identification, financing, and implementation of a water infrastructure project. We partnered to create the first ever Manufactured Housing Water Infrastructure Support Program.
EPA Environmental Finance Centers
We partner with multiple regional and national EFCs to provide technical, managerial, and financial support to identified communities.
Just-in-time training for front-line partners who provide technical assistance, advocacy, and project development to underserved communities. SRF Academy immerses attendees in mission-critical aspects of SRF programs, including technical, programmatic, and financial management.