Posts tagged climate finance
How Broadband Can Deliver Clean Water and Tackle Workforce Shortages

Broadband internet and water systems may seem like an odd pairing, but they’re inseparable when it comes to tackling challenges like aging infrastructure, workforce shortages, and the growing impacts of climate change. As affordability becomes an even greater concern, reliable fiber optic broadband offers a transformative solution to modernize water systems, enhance efficiency, and bridge urban-rural divides. 

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Green Banks and Nature-Based Solutions: How to Make the Most of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

We recommend two key actions for the U.S. EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to realize its full potential to reduce emissions, mobilize private capital, and address historic environmental inequalities.
1. Broaden GGRF Scope to Enable Financing of Nature-Based Projects
2. Capitalize a National Green Bank and Empower it to Leverage the Full Array of Funding Opportunities

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