Aligning Our Work to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
Quantified Ventures’ Impact Reports align our work and our impact to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As a certified B Corporation focused on developing and capitalizing solutions to environmental, health, and social challenges, our approach to assessing, categorizing, and communicating impact within the SDG framework is informed by the work done by the Global Impact Investing Network and their IRIS+ system, the Global Reporting Initiative, and other SDG-related resources.
For each closed transaction, value-based contract, new governance model, or outcomes-based funding / financing within our portfolio, we gather outcomes data from internal and external sources (as of December 2021), compiling quantifiable units, time frames, and other contextual information for each outcome.
We then categorized each outcome by type and status:
Outcome Type
Primary: Outcome(s) used within cost-benefit and financial models that are the key financed metric within transaction or contractual terms.
Secondary: Outcome(s) intentionally included within project design, modeling, and measurement, but that are not linked to financial return or payment determinations.
Outcome Status
Anticipated: Outcome(s) that are embedded within designs and models that have not yet been measured or validated at the time of Impact Report publication. They are included within project documentation and will be addressed prior to the closing of transaction and project terms.
Evaluated: Outcome(s) that are embedded within designs and models that have been measured and validated at the time of Impact Report publication. It also includes metrics for non-financed co-benefits through partners and service providers. Given many of our projects are implemented over a multi-year period, these metrics often are reported well beyond the launch of the program.
Each of these outcomes is aligned to one or multiple SDGs to provide a clearer picture of how each project supports drives environmental, health, and social impact.