Areas of Expertise

  • Venture Development

  • Project Finance

  • Green Chemistry

  • Data Science


  • Master of Environmental Management, Yale University

  • BS, Environmental Science, Western Washington University


Matthew Moroney

Senior Advisor, Climate Finance

Matthew Moroney is an entrepreneurial finance professional with over a decade of experience in venture growth, financial innovation, and technology leadership. As Head of Sustainable Finance at Metabolic, Matthew advised venture firms, project developers, and public-private partnerships, and led the "Missing Trillions" initiative, engaging leaders at major forums — including WEF, COP28, and NY Climate Week — to advance corporate structures, overcome regulatory barriers, and address risk perceptions for infrastructure and venture finance.

Previously, Matthew co-founded Raise Green, a regulated fintech platform, that structured more than 40 investment offerings and mobilized over $10 million before being acquired. Working with UNIDO and Yale University, he helped secure and implement $12.6MM of funding from the GEF, to deploy green chemistry with pilot projects and accelerator programs in 6 emerging economies.

With deep expertise in financial modeling, regulatory frameworks, and data analytics, Matthew helps investors, entrepreneurs, and organizations navigate complex markets. His approach emphasizes translating scientific advances into practical financial strategies to enhance supply chain resilience, foster economic growth, and drive industrial innovation.