Where will the money come from?

Health is increasingly recognized as the product of many social, economic, and environmental factors that extend far beyond the doctor’s office. This spring, two monumental policy updates now allow for greater flexibility and innovation to address these factors.

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Quantified Ventures
Mayors Innovate—and Cities Benefit

In partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), Quantified Ventures sponsored the Mayors Innovation Project gathering, which brought dozens of mayors and representatives from mayors’ offices around the country together in our nation’s capital to share ideas and best practices.

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Quantified Ventures
Why Culture and People Will Always Trump Tech

THRUUE CEO Dan Forrester works with CEOs to close the gap between strategy and culture. He believes employees can and should be engaged to get results. Our CEO Eric Letsinger interviews Dan, who shares his quest to start and build companies with social missions, helping clients such as Meal On Wheels America and LeadingAge.

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Quantified Ventures